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70 Years of Tradition

70 Years of Tradition

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Mar, 2023

Titan Day and Make-up Photos - rescheduled to 4/17

Titan Day has been rescheduled to 4/17 - more details to follow!


What is Titan Day?

This is the annual day when the San Marino National Little League is specially invited to cheer on the the San Marino High School Varsity Baseball and Softball teams. It is a great opportunity for the little leaguers to see the level of play they will be looking forward to when they get older. It is a fun event for the parents and little leaguers alike! This year, they will be playing their cross town rivals, the South Pasadena Tigers at the San Marino High baseball and softball fields.  


There will be many special treats for the little leaguers that day. The first 75 little leaguers will get a free snack pack!  There will be gift giveaways as well as SMHS swag that will be raffled off. The coolest prize will go to the SMNLL team with the most attendance - they will get to participate in the SMHS Homecoming parade in the fall!  This prize was a big hit last year!


Will there be any food?

The Handel's Ice Cream Truck and Tony's pizza will be on hand for purchase.  The first 75 players will also get the free snack pack.


Is there an admission fee?

It is free to attend the baseball and softball games.  


Where is the make-up photo location?

For those players that need to do their make-up photo, they can do so also on Titan day from 4-5pm.  The photo set up will be past the outfield fence of the Upper Softball field at San Marino High.  This entrance is off of Robles Ave.

Contact us

San Marino National Little League

2275 Huntington Dr #248 
San Marino, California 91108
Email: [email protected]

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